Staffan Runestam
Det här är Staffan Runestam, 92 år, son till biskop Arvid Runestam och Lucie Söderblom, barnbarn till Uppsala domkyrkas gosskörs grundare ärkebiskop Nathan Söderblom och själv medlem i gosskören från 1935. Han tyckte mycket om sin körledare Fredrik Mellander, som dock var en tämligen temperamentsfull man. Ofta var han...
Staffan Runestam
This is Staffan Runestam, 92 years-old, the son of Bishop Arvid Runestam and Lucie Söderblom. He is the grandson of Nathan Söderblom, who was the founder of Uppsala Cathedral Boys’ Choir. Staffan Runestam became a member of the boys’ choir in 1935. He was very fond of his choral...
An update concerning the 100th anniversary concert of the Uppsala Cathedral Boys’ Choir, originally scheduled for March 21, 2020
In order to reduce the risks associated with the possible spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19), churches in Uppsala have made the decision to cancel and/or postpone all concerts for the remainder of March. For that reason, our 100th anniversary concert will be postponed to a later date. The other...